Speaker One Sheet with key takeaways from Motivational Leadership and Communication Speaker Julian Mather . It starts with Julian gives leaders simple language and real-world ways to build resilient employees who thrive through change and challenge


A4 Changeability Keynote Synopsis from Motivational Leadership and Communication Speaker Julian Mather. It starts Give your people the life-changing gift of the ability to change and power on through not only this disruption, but the next, and the next, and the next…


A4 Themes from CHANGEABILITY: a leadership and communication keynote. There are 8 themes that you can mix and match to tailor-make your perfect keynote


Motivational Leadership and Communication Speaker Julian Mather


Motivational Leadership and Communication Speaker Julian Mather


Motivational Leadership and Communication Speaker Julian Mather


Image of a plane. Motivational Leadership and Communication Speaker Julian Mather  Travel arrangements

Travel Arrangements


Julian travels from Brisbane, Qld. He flies economy in OZ & NZ. Further than that, he flies business class.

Image of a microphone. AV requirements for Motivational Leadership and Communication Speaker Julian Mather

AV Requirements


– Julian uses a lapel or headset microphone and brings his own ‘clicker’

– It’s vital you tell the AV people that he runs an Apple Mac laptop from the lectern out front – he DOES NOT put his presentation on the ‘main’ computer up the back – because he often changes things around on the fly to emphasise points the crowd finds valuable, funny or both.

– He needs a regular 3.5mm sound lead, and an HDMI cable. (He carries a range of adapters/dongles, just in case.)

Image of a plane. Motivational Leadership and Communication Speaker Julian Mather  Travel arrangements

Speaker Intro


Here's a question...

Who is valuable in a fast-changing world?

Answer: People who can change.

But how do you change?

Think about it.

Before we ride a bike, we get taught how to ride.

Before we drive, we get taught how to drive.

Before we change, we get dumped in the deep end and told "We do it this way now"

So, can we learn how to change?

If yes, what are the benefits for [YOUR INDUSTRY/BUSINESS]?

Today we hear from a man who is a lived-change expert.

As someone once yelled out in the middle of one of his talks...

Mate, you’ve had more changes than a baby in a coffee-drinking contest.

Please welcome the Changemaster Julian Mather.


Image of a microphone. AV requirements for Motivational Leadership and Communication Speaker Julian Mather



Speaker Bio 15 words

Stutterer turned motivational speaker who shows that change is a skill anyone can learn.


Speaker Bio 35 words

A magician, an army sniper, a globe-trotting TV cameraman walk into a bar… no joke!  Julian has been all three. Now he’s a motivational speaker who shares with audiences his greatest gift: the ability to change.


Speaker Bio 65 words

Julian Mather is a seasoned keynote speaker renowned for his captivating storytelling and insightful messages. A former army sniper and a globe-trotting cameraman, he brings a unique perspective to his presentations. His ability to blend his diverse experiences into relatable anecdotes makes him a sought-after speaker at conferences and corporate events. Julian’s talks focus on adaptability, resilience, and the power of embracing change.


Speaker Bio 90 words

Julian Mather has seen the world through many lenses.

Through a telescopic sight as an army sniper. Through the TV lens as a globe-trotting cameraman for ABCTV, National Geographic and BBC. Through smoke and mirrors as a professional magician.

He’s met and learned from Sir Edmund Hillary, Elon Musk, death row inmates and space shuttle pilots.

He's traveled far but his longest journeys have been from behind the camera to in front of it. From stutterer to motivational speaker.

Now he shares with audiences his greatest gift: the ability to change.


Speaker Bio 90 words

Julian Mather never considered himself good at change until he went from

-free-range kid to army sniper

-home movies to National Geographic cameraman

-fumbling card tricks to a professional magician

-never swinging a hammer to building a home

-high school dropout to published author

-business illiterate to building & selling a business

-stutterer to motivational speaker

Turns out he knows how to change, he knows how to make it simple, and he knows how to stand on stage & make it fun so others want to do it too.


Speaker Bio 130 words

Julian Mather is a seasoned keynote speaker renowned for his captivating storytelling and insightful messages.

He brings a unique perspective to his presentations. He has seen the world through a telescopic sight as an army sniper. Through the TV lens as a globe-trotting cameraman for ABCTV, National Geographic and BBC. Through smoke and mirrors as a professional magician.

His ability to blend his diverse experiences into relatable anecdotes makes him a sought-after speaker at conferences and corporate events. He’s met and learned from Sir Edmund Hillary, Elon Musk, death row inmates and space shuttle pilots.

He's traveled far but his longest journeys have been from behind the camera to in front of it. From stutterer to motivational speaker. Julian’s talks focus on adaptability, resilience, and the power of embracing change.


Speaker Bio 300 words

For as long as he could remember Julian Mather wanted to be a photojournalist. Then he got sidetracked. While army sniper seemed like a good idea at the time, he found the telescopic sights of his rifle were starting to look more and more like a movie camera, and so he fell in love with film-making.

So began his twenty-five years as a globe-trotting TV cameraman for ABC TV, BBC, National Geographic and Discovery Channel. He was awarded the highest distinction for cinematography by The Australian Cinematographers Society and entitled to use the letters A.C.S. after his name.

His was a ringside view of life where he met and filmed some of the world’s greatest, most famous and even the notorious; travelled the world; witnessed the highs and lows of human nature and had his own ideas and ambitions challenged.

A ten-year journey started from behind the camera to in front of it. Julian became

-An accomplished author of ‘Second Best Job in the World’ (published by Harper Collins)

-A polished magician and stage performer

-A viral YouTube success – with over 30 million views and 140,000 subscribers

-Co-creator of the world’s first online training academy for professional children’s entertainers

-Creator of Confident Video Presenter Academy - online and on-site video training for business

-Julian did a 'Steven Bradbury'. He won a Golden Guitar - Australian country music's version of a Grammy - despite being the least musical person in Australia.

And somewhere amongst all that, climbed mountains, and raised a family.

His longest journey of all? was starting life as a stutterer to being a professional keynote speaker presenting to Australian and international audiences.

Now he shares with audiences his greatest gift: the ability to change.


The Real Story 370 words

I was a stutterer and a people pleaser...

I learned if I opened my mouth to speak it made others uncomfortable.

Guess what? I didn't open my mouth. I was labelled shy.

I loved learning but hated school.

So I wagged class—a lot.

I educated myself at the library with photojournalism books.

Photojournalists observe. No speaking. Cunning career plan huh?

I joined the army. They said they needed photographers. They lied. They stuck me in the infantry. That's when the yelling started.

So I became a sniper. No more yelling. No speaking either.

I became a documentary cameraman. Hiding behind the camera; observing through the lens. No speaking. A perfect career.

I was inspired by the people in front of my lens. I wanted to be like them.

But I was embarrassed. I too had things to say but no confidence to say it.

I was mystified. Why was it easy for them?

I felt excluded. Those in the light get more opportunities than those in the shadows.

I felt small. Continually comparing myself stopped me from playing a bigger game.

There was one time that I was envious of those I was with. I missed getting on a flight with them. The plane crashed. They died.

I reflected.  I saw that comparing myself to others had stunted me.

Would my shyness be a life sentence? I decided no.

I backed my ideas and beliefs and walked away from my TV career to change the world.

I created a program to teach philanthropy to school children. It failed.

Would my failure be a life sentence? I decided no.

I became a magician. I did 2000 shows. That cured my stutter.

I started a YouTube channel with one rule: I couldn't compare myself to other channels. I didn't. People loved me being me. 30 million views. 140K subscribers.

I built and sold a business selling online courses.

Then three online business failures in a row.

But failure and shyness are not life sentences, right?

By now I had fallen in love with speaking up.

I became a professional speaker. 

Now I show people how to take change in their stride and do things they never thought they could do.

