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Change and Resilience Speakers Who Were Scientists


Introduction: Scientists, with their dedication to exploration and discovery, often possess unique insights into change and resilience. This article explores the stories of 20 change and resilience speakers who, having made significant contributions to the scientific community, now share their experiences to inspire others. From overcoming professional challenges to addressing global issues, these speakers illuminate the transformative power of science and resilience in shaping a better future.

1. Jane Goodall Renowned primatologist and conservationist Jane Goodall speaks on resilience, environmental advocacy, and the transformative impact of understanding and protecting our planet.

2. Neil deGrasse Tyson Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson discusses the resilience of scientific inquiry, the importance of curiosity, and the transformative power of understanding the universe.

3. Temple Grandin Animal behaviourist and autism advocate Temple Grandin shares her journey of resilience, emphasizing the transformative impact of embracing neurodiversity in science.

4. David Suzuki Environmental activist and geneticist David Suzuki speaks on resilience in the face of environmental challenges, advocating for sustainable solutions and positive change.

5. Mae Jemison Astronaut and physician Mae Jemison speaks on resilience, breaking barriers in science, and the transformative power of diversity and inclusion.

6. Sylvia Earle Oceanographer Sylvia Earle shares insights on resilience in marine conservation, the transformative impact of understanding our oceans, and the urgency of environmental stewardship.

7. Michio Kaku Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku speaks on resilience in scientific pursuits, the transformative potential of cutting-edge technologies, and the future of human exploration.

8. Jennifer Doudna Biochemist Jennifer Doudna, a pioneer in CRISPR technology, discusses resilience in the face of ethical considerations, transformative breakthroughs, and the responsibility of scientific innovation.

9. Jill Tarter Astrobiologist Jill Tarter speaks on resilience in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the transformative impact of curiosity-driven science, and the pursuit of knowledge beyond our planet.

10. Brian Greene Physicist and string theorist Brian Greene discusses resilience in the pursuit of understanding the fundamental nature of the universe, the transformative power of scientific inquiry, and the beauty of theoretical physics.

11. Rosalind Franklin (1920–1958) The late chemist Rosalind Franklin is honoured through speakers who discuss her contributions to DNA research, resilience in a male-dominated field, and the transformative legacy of her work.

12. Richard Dawkins Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins speaks on resilience in defending scientific principles, the transformative impact of understanding evolution, and the role of science in shaping a rational worldview.

13. Ellen Ochoa Astronaut and engineer Ellen Ochoa shares insights on resilience in space exploration, the transformative impact of diversity in STEM fields, and the future of human spaceflight.

14. E.O. Wilson (1929–2021) The late biologist E.O. Wilson is remembered through speakers who discuss his contributions to ecology, resilience in conservation efforts, and the transformative power of biodiversity.

15. May-Britt Moser Neuroscientist May-Britt Moser, a Nobel laureate, discusses resilience in the pursuit of understanding the brain's navigation system, the transformative impact of scientific collaboration, and the future of neuroscience.

16. Vandana Shiva Physicist and environmental activist Vandana Shiva speaks on resilience in environmental advocacy, the transformative power of sustainable agriculture, and the importance of biodiversity in securing our planet's future.

17. Brian May Astrophysicist and Queen guitarist Brian May speaks on resilience in balancing a dual career, the transformative impact of scientific outreach, and the role of art in communicating scientific concepts.

18. Edith Widder Marine biologist Edith Widder shares insights on resilience in deep-sea exploration, the transformative potential of bioluminescence research, and the importance of understanding Earth's least-explored ecosystems.

19. Jennifer A. Doudna Another prominent scientist named Jennifer Doudna is a biochemist who co-discovered CRISPR technology, and she speaks on resilience in ethical genome editing, the transformative power of gene editing, and the responsibility of scientific innovation.

20. Kakenya Ntaiya While not a traditional scientist, Kakenya Ntaiya, a Kenyan educator and activist, speaks on resilience in promoting girls' education, the transformative impact of empowering communities through knowledge, and the role of education in driving positive change.

Conclusion: These 20 change and resilience speakers, rooted in the world of science, illuminate the transformative power of scientific inquiry and the resilience required to push the boundaries of knowledge. From exploring the cosmos to delving into the mysteries of life on Earth, their stories inspire audiences to embrace change with a scientific mindset, fostering resilience in the pursuit of understanding and shaping a better future for humanity.



This is part 9 of a 10-part series:

In a world that constantly evolves, the narratives of change and resilience become guiding beacons for individuals navigating the seas of transformation. This article explores the diverse journeys of individuals who have not only faced significant changes in their lives but have also emerged as compelling speakers, sharing their stories of resilience.

From the fields of sports and adventure to the realms of politics, literature, and business, these speakers have transformed personal challenges into narratives of inspiration. Join us as we delve into the unique perspectives of change and resilience speakers who were once celebrated in sports arenas, ventured into the unknown, shaped political landscapes, penned transformative words, graced television and cinema screens, faced life-threatening situations, glided through the water as swimmers, unravelling the mysteries of science, and charted their paths as entrepreneurs.


  1.  Change and Resilience Speakers Who Were Sports Stars
  2. Change and Resilience Speakers Who Were Adventurers
  3. Change and Resilience Speakers Who Were Politicians
  4. Change and Resilience Speakers Who Were Writers
  5.  Change and Resilience Speakers Who Were TV Presenters
  6.  Change and Resilience Speakers Who Were Movie Stars
  7. Change and Resilience Speakers Who Were Rescued
  8. Change and Resilience Speakers Who Were Swimmers
  9. Change and Resilience Speakers Who Were Scientists
  10. Change and Resilience Speakers Who Were Business Owners

Motivational Speaker on Leading Humans Through Change









Keynotes for businesses and groups whose people are facing change

Motivational Speaker Australia

Australia Keynote Speaker


Great to see my team so engaged with a presentation

Mark Everingham, Managing Director, Personal Risk Professionals 

Easily one of the most popular sessions over the 3-day conference.

Soffian Amin
Chief Program Officer, HRD Corp


The team is absolutely buzzing

Caet Young, Head of Comms at GIVIT.org



 Through a telescopic sight as an army sniper. Through the TV lens as a globe-trotting cameraman for ABCTV, National Geographic and BBC. Through smoke and mirrors as a professional magician. He has learned from Sir Edmund Hillary, Elon Musk, death row inmates and space shuttle pilots. He's traveled far but his longest journeys have been from behind the camera to in front of it. From stutterer to professional speaker. From shy to shine.