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How Do Motivational Keynote Speakers and Workshop Presenters Differ?

keynote speaker motivational speaker


Too many actionable steps and you are delivering a workshop. Maybe that is what is called for.

Your job as a Keynote Speaker is different.

You are there to change how your audience thinks and feels with inspiration

and maybe motivate them to take action.

Audiences typically already know what they should be doing. Their problem is they don't do it.

And remember that if you are speaking at a conference, the last thing you will hear from the audience is MORE INFORMATION PLEASE.

Audiences are in INFORMATION OVERLOAD at conferences.

So, just beware that there is a time and place for actionable steps.


I’m a motivational keynote speaker on Leadership and Change.

I show business leaders simple ways to give their people the skills and the confidence to get through not only this disruption, but the next, and the next, and next.


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