Do You Always Get Writer’s Block When You Make Videos
What video do I make?
What do I say?
So many videos don’t make it past this point.
You typically hear this referred to as writer’s block.
If you’re an amateur, then writer’s block is a luxury you can afford.
If you are turning up to make videos that drive
👉🏼your business
👉🏼your vision
👉🏼your mission
then we need to follow the lead of
American playwright and filmmaker David Mamet…
“Writer’s block; it’s a nice idea but I can’t afford it.”
It’s not just you.
I would get stuck starting too
but realised I couldn’t afford to be stuck
so I created my own system
to create video content without the pain.
If video is even a little bit hard you just won’t do it.
I’ve created looked at the best practices of others
and mixed it with my own passion for using templates
to make my video creation easier.
Here’s a simple video story template that has made billions of dollars for Pixar animation studios
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Once upon a time ________.
Every day, _______.
One day, _______.
Because of that, _______.
Because of that, _______.
Until finally, ____________.
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I share these templates with you
in Day 3 Compelling Video Content Creation
of The Confident Video Presenter Academy
where I show you how to overcome the fear of video in 7 days.
Come join me and you’ll see how you can show up on video and win more trust, authority, clients and jobs with video.
Who am I? Can you trust me? Give me a test run at 6minutevideocourse dot com. No cost. No risk.