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Do You Give Up Without A Fight?

keynote speaker motivational speaker

Do you give up without a fight?


In sniper training there were 42 tests

if you failed any test at any stage

you were out

it was ruthless

I had passed 41 tests

this was the final test of 42 tests

It was called camouflage and concealment

essentially it is grown up hide and seek

and I ended up

stuck in the worst possible position

lying flat in this thigh high grass

and i look through my telescopic sight

and I could just make out an outline of this person

couldn’t really

anyway he holds up this little square card

on his chin

and I have to say what colour it is

and I have 5 seconds

and over the radio I can him counting 543

and I can’t see a thing

and I remember the training we had drilled into us

the best thing to do is the right thing

the next best thing to do is the wrong thing

the worst thing to do is nothing

so i just think if I can’t see a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g

it might be green

so I push my radio button and say green

and then this prolonged silence

and I hear back over the radio

Kkkkrt Green is correct

and he said it in such a sarcastic way

because he knew he knew

there was no way in the world I could have had a clean shot

and I didn’t

but that’s how close I became to

NOT being an army sniper

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