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Do You Know the New Rules of Video?

video strategy

A woman was preparing a leg roast. She sawed off the end of the bone. Why do you do that she was asked?

"Because it makes it taste better." Really? "Yes, my mother taught me that.”

They went to her mother and asked where'd you learn this secret? She said she learned it from her mother. 

They went to the grandmother and asked the same question. She said, she too, had learned it from her mother.

The great-grandmother was still alive so they went to her.

Why does sawing the end from a leg roast make it taste better?

The great-grandmother said, "Well I don't know about the taste but - and she spreads her hands twelve inches apart - my oven was only this big.”

We can become trapped by habit.

One of those habits is a belief that when it comes to making video: bigger is better; more expensive is better.

But making videos for business has changed and it is all down to simple physics.

More people own a mobile phone on the planet than own a toothbrush. There’s a conversation starter for you. The number of mobile phone users in the world is expected to pass the five billion mark by 2019.

We have become addicted to the convenience of the smartphone. 

Text on smartphones is small and fiddly and our fingers, by comparison, are large and clunky. Unless our fingers mutate into five thumbs on each hand, then video is simply the easier way to communicate on smartphones.

Just like a big leg roast wouldn't fit in a small oven, big fingers won't fit on a small screen. That is the ho-hum, garden-variety, matter-of-fact reason why you, me, we will be ‘speaking video' to communicate more and more.

Making video is fast becoming a commodity. The cost to get into video production has dropped dramatically over the past ten years. It shows no sign of slowing. 

So if you are thinking you need to spend big to make videos, you’re thinking is out of date.

You don’t have to pay big to play big on the small screen.

 #video #videoskills #marketing

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