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Does A Motivational Keynote Speaker Need To Have Amazing Stories?

keynote speaker motivational speaker

Think you are boring or average and not exciting enough to be a motivational speaker. Wrong. You are sitting on a gold mine. Really.

Here's why.

Because all we have left to differentiate ourselves is our unique life journey.

Everything else can be Googled. There is no information you can tell that can't be found by searching online...

except for your stories. They are yours. They are gold.

So learn how to polish them into stories that get people to lean in.

These are all skills. Skills can be learned. I know.

I wasn't a good storyteller but I am now now.

I worked at it. Believe me, I am living proof that you can do this too.

Your work and your life benefit if you do.


I’m a motivational keynote speaker on Leadership and Change.

I show business leaders simple ways to give their people the skills and the confidence to get through not only this disruption, but the next, and the next, and next.


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