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Does My Video Need To Be Best Quality

video strategy


🤷🏽‍♂️ Have you ever met a person who admires laziness?


I haven’t.


Let’s flip the coin.


Do you admire people who try hard?


I do.


Seems I’m not the only one.


This is animation leader Pixar’s First Rule:


👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼You admire a character for trying more than for their successes. Think Woody. Think Nemo.


So when it comes to making 


➡️ a video job application

➡️ a video social media post

➡️ a video FAQ for your website


You will find most people 

don’t care about your filmmaking skills

They care about themselves 




If you get these 3 things right:


1️⃣ They can see you clearly

2️⃣ They can hear you clearly

3️⃣ They can see that you respect them by not wasting their time


That you have prepped your message

That you have practised your delivery

➡️ Not perfectly

➡️ Not professionally

➡️ Not Oscar-worthy


Just that you respect your viewer enough

to not make them work just to understand you.


✅ It's not their job to understand you

✅ It’s your job to be understood.


If you’re not sending/publishing videos

because they’re not perfect

you’re missing out to others

who are no more skilled at video than you









Want help to 

overcome the fear of video in 7 days? ➡️overcomethefearofvideo.com

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