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How I Find Time To Be A Motivational Speaker

keynote speaker motivational speaker

I do not use to-do lists anymore.


Because I read this:

Imagine an airline that ran on a to-do list.

Airlines run (admittedly not well at times) on a schedule because things that are scheduled happen.

I now sit and just think what are the most important things I need to do this week and in what order?

I then block them straight into Google Calendar.

No tricky techniques.

Stop overcomplicating things.

One of the secrets to getting good at change and making the change that sticks is to simplify. 

Guess what? Stuff gets done.

And as a bonus... all those other things that I would have ended on this long to-do list...well most of those seem to just take care of themselves or prove themselves never to have been important in the first place.


Now I have more time to be a better motivational speaker.

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