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How To Be Utterly Compelling On Video

video strategy

People challenge me to back up this statement…


Anyone can become utterly compelling on video within a week.


With pleasure


How to be utterly compelling on video…


Find someone who is hurting


and that you know that you can help


then switch on the camera and


👉🏼 Be helpful


👉🏼 Be consistent


👉🏼 Be humble


👉🏼 Be vulnerable


👉🏼 Be committed to making their pain go away


👉🏼 Above all, be you.


If you do that, then in your own way,


you will be utterly compelling to those who want what you offer.


👉🏼Authentic video presenting is a superpower👈🏼


in a time when


➡️ out-yelling

➡️ out-interrupting

➡️ out-spending


your competitors doesn’t work anymore (thanks Julie Masters for those words)


Those who can do it have a distinct advantage over those who can’t.


Yes, anyone can be utterly compelling.


The challenge is to stop making you the centre of your video creation.




Want help? I’d love to help you to overcome the fear of video in 7 days


Who am I? Can you trust me? Give me a test run at 6minutevideocourse dot com. No cost. No risk.









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