How To Measure Your Courage

Whether 17 or 70 years old, this is a very worthy way to spend 5 minutes of your time.
Robert “Dusty” Staub, speaker and author, has been measuring CEO’s courage for the past 30 years. Tens of thousands of case studies to draw upon, and he concludes "...executives are not failing due to a lack of IQ or ambition. Most every failure was due to a lack ... of nerve – in which one or more key acts of courage were missing.”
He has what he calls
The 7 Acts Of Courage
Assign yourself a value from 1-7 on each of 7 acts. Where are you strong? Where are you coming up short? Leverage your strengths and work on your least developed.
1) The Courage to Dream & Express It: (vision, big goals, putting it out there)
2) The Courage to See Current Reality: (seeing strengths, weaknesses, the state of your business, your career, your family, your life; taking any blinders off)
3) The Courage to Confront: (telling “truth to power”, willing to confront up, to speak up with respect, seizing the moment to offer coaching insights, ideas, suggestions)
4) The Courage to Be Confronted: (to listen non-defensively to criticism, learning from critiques, listening to learn, seeking out the “bad” news, asking for contrary viewpoints, rewarding people for speaking up)
5) The Courage to Learn and Grow: (stepping into the unknown, tolerating ambiguity and uncertainty, taking calculated risks, giving up an addiction to “being right”)
6) The Courage to Be Vulnerable: (asking for help, letting others know they are needed)
7) The Courage to Act: (putting yourself in “harm’s way,” stepping up when needed, willing to commit, follow through)
This is a summary of an article on
Video is the perfect way to leverage your strengths.
In my Camera Confidence Workshop, the focus is on The Courage to Dream & Express It, The Courage to Confront, and The Courage to Act.