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How to Present to Camera - The 5 Steps - Video Trick 20

camera confidence workshop checklist video presentation

Video re-shoots are costly and frustrating. How can you avoid them?

If you get into the habit of using this easy to remember, easy-to-do checklist, the number of costly reshoots will reduce manyfold.

I use this checklist EVERY time I record a video where I am presenting to the camera.


It gives me the confidence that my tech is working - TICK - forget about that

It gives me confidence that I’m presenting effectively - TICK - forget about that

It gives me the confidence I’m connecting with my audience - TICK - forget about that


These are my 5 on-camera confidence boosters

and they are specified in this order

  1. Counter Counting - this gives me the confidence I’m actually recording video
  2. Meter Moving - this gives me the confidence I’m actually recording audio
  3. Slouch UnSlouching - this gives me the confidence I’m in the correct position in the frame
  4. Face Smiling - this gives me the confidence I’m connecting with my audience
  5. Now, What Can I Do For You - Steps one to four, that I’ve just done, allow me the freedom to release myself from my worries and my ego and now focus on the most important thing and that’s how I can help my customer or client.


Just like being on the inside lanes on a freeway is faster, this takes you from slow crawl of the outside lanes and gets you up to speed to be effectively presenting from the get-go

That’s 5 things I do before recording any video NO EXCEPTIONS

I present better and I have very few reshoots

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