How To Use Gestures as a Motivational Keynote Speaker
Consider nonverbal gestures.
I stumbled upon the power of nonverbal gestures when I was a TV cameraman.
Whenever I was out shooting in my home town strangers would walk up to my lens and flash 5 fingers followed by two fingers in front of my lens.
It was from an advertising campaign by the 7 TV network. 5+2=7. But the ad campaign ended a decade earlier yet people still remembered it and acted it out. Wow!
So now I create my key messages to incorporate a nonverbal gesture.
My current one is the 123 of Change. On stage I coach the audience to remember the three steps by attaching the key points to THUMB/INDEX/MIDDLE fingers.
I see them in the corridors explaining to others. 1-2-3!
I’m a motivational keynote speaker on Leadership and Change.
I show business leaders simple ways to give their people the skills and the confidence to get through not only this disruption, but the next, and the next, and next.