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Influencer or Expert: How Will You Show Up To Lead?


🤷🏽‍♂️Curious times huh!

👉🏼Inlfuencers have no expertise
👉🏼Experts have no influence

😞 You can be dispirited about this
😞 you can rail at the selfies and clickbait
😞 You can join the race to the algorithmic bottom

✅ or you can show up
✅ daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
✅ and say 'I see a better future over there. This is how we can get there. Who's coming with me?'

🤜The world still wants trusted leaders🤛

They never go out of fashion.

If you’ve got something to say, please, please keep turning up.


I’m a motivational keynote speaker on Leadership and Change.

I show business leaders simple ways to give their people the skills and the confidence to get through not only this disruption, but the next, and the next, and next.

What If You're Not Funny - Lessons From a Motivational Speaker

Reasons to Book a Motivational Speaker For Your Business

Time Blocking Techniques - Lessons From a Motivational Speaker

Be Happy - Lessons From a Motivational Speaker