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People & Love & Leadership Videos



๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ‍โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ™Ž๐Ÿผ‍โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ™Ž๐Ÿฝ‍โ™€๏ธPeople & Love & Leadership Videos ๐Ÿ’š

๐Ÿง•๐ŸผPeople are watching more lengthy, studio-produced films with high production values on connected TVs. 

๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿฝ‍๐Ÿ’ปPeople, at the same time, are also watching super-short, user-generated videos meant for small screens.

What does that mean? It production quality or format doesn't seem to matter to us.


๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿผ‍๐Ÿ”งPeople are building their own media worlds made up of what they love: relevant, intellectually stimulating, sensorial experiences that they emotionally connect with.

๐ŸŽฅ Billions in studio-produced investment is not enough to keep up with this insatiable demand.

So what does that mean for you, the leader who wants to change hearts and minds?

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸผYou should focus most of your leadership videos on

โœ… relevance YES

โœ… intellectual stimulation YES

โœ… emotional resonance YES

โŽ sensorial experience NO (unless you have time and money then go crazy with this)

Forget trying to make your videos sexy and sleek.

โœ… Spend your time thinking about what to say and who you what to say it to and say it in a way that matters to them.







Link to research for this post:


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