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Should a Motivational Keynote Speaker Cry On Stage?

keynote speaker motivational speaker

**No Therapy On Stage**

Often motivational speakers recount a traumatic event. Of course, this can be powerful. It can become a signature story. I have one such story and I made a mistake when I started telling it.

I had not worked through the emotions attached to the story. When I told it I would cry, at times even sob on stage.

I thought this was powerful. I was wrong.

Your job as a speaker is to guide the audience from a position of strength. Tell your story and share the lesson you learned.

When you cry you are still in healing mode. Audiences empathise. You are taking the audience's energy. You should be giving it to them.

Don't do your therapy on stage. Work it out before you ask to be paid. Be a strong leader on stage.


I’m a motivational keynote speaker on Leadership and Change.

I show business leaders simple ways to give their people the skills and the confidence to get through not only this disruption, but the next, and the next, and next.


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