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Share Your Story On Video To Build Trust

storytelling trust

We all have a different story... 


I was a stutterer and a people pleaser.


I learned if I opened my mouth to speak it made others uncomfortable.


Guess what? I didn't open my mouth. I was labelled shy. 


This was the start of my fear of video. 


Can you pinpoint yours?


I loved learning but hated school.


So I wagged class—a lot.


I educated myself at the library with photojournalism books.


Photojournalists observe. No speaking. Cunning career plan huh?


I joined the army. They said they needed photographers. They lied. They stuck me in the infantry. That's when the yelling started. 


I became a sniper. No more yelling. No speaking either.


I became a documentary cameraman. Hiding behind the camera; observing through the lens. No speaking.


I was affected by the people in front of my lens.


I was embarrassed. I had things to say too but not the confidence to say it.


I was mystified. Why was it easy for them?


I felt excluded. Those in the light get more opportunities than those in the shadows.


I felt small. Comparing myself stopped me from playing a bigger game I knew I could be part of.


There was one time that I was envious of those I was with. I missed getting on a flight with them. The plane crashed. They died.


I reflected.  I saw that comparing myself to others had stunted me.


Would my shyness be a life sentence? I said no.


I backed my ideas and beliefs and walked away from my TV career to change the world.


I created a program to teach philanthropy to school children. It failed.


Failure is not a life sentence.


I became a magician. I did 2000 shows. That cured my stutter.


I started a Youtube channel with one rule: I couldn't compare myself to other channels. I didn't. 


People loved me being me. 30 million views. 140K subscribers.


I built and sold a business selling online courses.


Then three online business failures in a row.


Remember, failure nor shyness are life sentences.


By now I had fallen in love with speaking up.


I became a professional speaker.  A new career… until… Covid! 


and I haven't been able to restart it.


I now know that setbacks are not life sentences


but many leaders think their video shyness is a life sentence. 


If this is you I want to help. It's important I try.


In a digital world, you can touch more hearts, shift more minds and move more feet if you commit to showing up on video.


And the world needs you now more than ever.


What would it mean to you to 

overcome your fear of video in 7 days?


➡️ www.overcomethefearofvideo.com


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